#1 MICROBLADING MASTER Jocelyn Tran is very knowledgeable. As a biochemistry graduate from UC Davis, she is an expert in pigments and color. With more than 10 years of experience in permanent makeup, she is one of the first Phibrows Masters hand-picked by Grand Master BrankoBabic, founder of Phibrows to representPhibrows Academy in the USA. Master Jocelyn Tran is the founder of the USA PHIACADEMY BEAUTY SCHOOL, one of the first PhiAcademies in the USA who can give you certification for permanent makeup and microblading courses in the state of California.
#2 If you just know how to do microblading, you are not truly professional enough. In this microblading course, besides learning microblading, you will also learn about pigments, about mixing colors, why old tattoo turns red or blue gray, how to fix old tattoo depending on each situation and how to cover old tattoo.
#3 Staff is very friendly and knowledgeable, hand-picked and trained by Master Jocelyn Tran herself. They will assist you hand on hand alongside with Master Jocelyn Tran to ensure your success.
#4 Hands-on, one on one training, we will make sure you know how to do microblading before we even let you out of the class.
#5 6 months continuing support from us. The time that you go home and start doing microblading for your clients is the most important time that you can build and gain experience. That is the time you need us the most. After the 2 days hands-on training, at anytime you need help from us, you can send us messages like: “ what color should I do for this client? How to correct this mistake? The shapes are not eve, how to correct?…” Besides, you can send us your works and we will point out for you which areas you can improve. We will help and support you so you can have the confidence to continue on your success.
#6 FREE Online Training class for 6 months via PhibrowsCraftmaster
#7World-wide recognized Phibrows Certification
#8 You will have a professional microblading kit from Phibrows worth $1200 for FREE
#9 You have the BEST Microblading TOOLS, the best microblading supplies,the best Microblading Pigments available that will not turn blue or red.
#10 You will have access to the PhibrowsMicrobladingcertification system that if you do good microblading, your name, business address, and business information can be entered into the Phibrows Map system. Anytime a customer wants to do microblading, they can go to Phibrows map, search for a Phibrows artist in their city; thus without knowing you, they already trust you and make appointment with you.
#11 Access to Phibrows Application called “Phiapp” that can measure the eyebrows for symmetry
#12 Access to a Private Facebook Forum that has 2 doctors whowill answer your medical questions and skin concerns; and a forum support system where you can learn so much more not only in microblading but also in permanent makeup PMU. This is the forum where the best artists in the world post their works. You will learn so much from this forum.
#13 A chance to be promoted to be a Phibrows Artist, Phibrows Royal Artist, or even Phibrows Master.
#14 This Microblading Brow Class is worth every penny that you spent. You will be completely satisfied; and will go home ready to work with a new found confidence. REMEMBER: you have 6 months of continuing support from us so nothing can go wrong.